Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that occurs in rock and soil. It is resistant to heat, water, and chemicals and can be woven into strong fabrics. Asbestos is most commonly associated with lung diseases such as asbestosis, mesothelioma, and pleural effusions. Other diseases may also be associated with asbestos, to avoid this, call Asbestos in Perth experts.

asbestosIn the late 1800s, asbestos became popular as a building material. It was discovered to be extraordinarily strong, fire-resistant, and affordable. It was used in a wide variety of commercial and industrial applications. It was incorporated into flooring, roofing materials, cement compounds, and textile products. It was also used in shipbuilding, as insulation, and in heating and hot water pipes.

It wasn’t until the early 1900s that medical professionals began to recognize the link between exposure to asbestos and various diseases. However, asbestos was still heavily marketed at that time. The profits that could be made from its use far outweighed health concerns. Asbestos companies paid unscrupulous researchers to deny the dangers of the toxic mineral.

After doctors began to identify the links between asbestos and disease, the demand for asbestos diminished. It was only when the need for inexpensive, mass-produced construction materials increased that the industry boomed once again. Asbestos was widely sourced to provide the bulk of the supply.

The word “asbestos” derives from the Greek adverb sambos, meaning inextinguishable or unquenchable. The ancient Greeks fashioned it into mats and woven it into tablecloths. The Romans took up the practice. In the Middle Ages, Marco Polo wrote about seeing asbestos mining and fabric made from it in Asia. King Charlemagne used it to make tablecloths and garments. Asbestos was even used by soldiers on the Crusades, who threw burning bags of pitch and tar wrapped in asbestos cloth over city walls during sieges.

Today, asbestos is strictly regulated. It is not mined or manufactured in the but it can still be found in vinyl floor tiles, ceiling materials, cement pipes, and clothes. It can also be released when buildings are demolished or homes remodeled.

Asbestos is known to cause mesothelioma, lung cancer, laryngeal cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, and percutaneous mesothelioma. The only way to avoid exposure is to not work in or around buildings containing asbestos. If you are exposed, work with a mesothelioma attorney to ensure that you receive compensation. Federal laws have created compensation systems for miners, asbestos workers, and others who are harmed by their work.

When asbestos fibers enter the lungs, they can cause several health problems. The body’s natural defenses carry away most of the fibers or cough them up in a mucous coating, but some can bypass these defenses and become lodged in the lungs, where they create scar tissue that decreases lung elasticity and makes breathing more difficult. This scarring, known as fibrosis, can also create a buildup of fluid around the lungs (called pleural effusion). A common physical sign is breathing wheezing sounds, called crackles, which can be heard by doctors with a stethoscope.

A person’s risk of developing asbestos-related diseases increases with the length and intensity of asbestos exposure. Lung cancer and mesothelioma are the most serious health concerns associated with asbestos, but a person can also develop non-cancerous pleural disease or other less severe disorders. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer of the mesothelium, which is the thin layer of tissue that lines the lungs and chest cavity, as well as other membranes that line the abdominal and heart cavities. It can take decades between initial exposure to asbestos and the appearance of mesothelioma symptoms.

Other asbestos-related diseases include pleural plaques, fibrosis, and a condition known as atelectasis, which is when the lining of the lungs becomes thicker and inflamed and prevents air from passing through it easily. A person’s risk of developing these health conditions is increased by smoking tobacco, which increases the chance of causing asbestos-related disease and makes it harder for the lungs to clear themselves.

Asbestos is also linked to a rare form of cancer in the abdominal cavity, known as retroperitoneal peritoneal mesothelioma. This type of mesothelioma occurs in the membrane lining the abdomen (peritoneum) and the lining of the heart (pericardium). It is believed that this condition may be caused by asbestos exposure, but the long latency period of mesothelioma has made it hard to link specific cases to exposure to asbestos.

People can be exposed to asbestos without ever working with the mineral, as family members of workers who have direct exposure can get it from the clothing they wear. This indirect exposure can cause the same health issues as direct exposure, and it was particularly common among women who laundered their husbands’ contaminated work clothes. People in communities surrounding asbestos factories have also experienced these problems, as they were exposed to dust blowing from the plants.

A person can get sick from asbestos even if they have never touched the toxic mineral directly. This is because microscopic fibers can become airborne, and if someone breathes them in, they can cause health problems. This is called secondary exposure. It can happen when a worker brings asbestos home on their clothing or shoes, and family members inhale those particles. It can also occur when people live near former mines or natural deposits of asbestos.

People who work with asbestos (miners, asbestos abatement workers, custodial and maintenance workers, and insulation workers) have a higher risk of exposure than the general public. Those who do this work must wear protective clothing and masks, cover any surfaces where they are working with asbestos, and use appropriate safety equipment to reduce the release of asbestos fibers. When they are finished, they should take a shower to wash off any remaining asbestos particles before going home. This helps prevent them from contaminating their homes and endangering family members.

Those who were involved in the rescue and recovery efforts after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, may have been exposed to asbestos. They should be tested if they are experiencing difficulty breathing or other signs of mesothelioma, including fluid buildup in the lungs or chest cavity (pleural effusion), a cough, and pain around the rib cage, throat, or belly.

The good news is that most products made today do not contain asbestos. However, older homes may still have some materials that are built with the material, especially if they were constructed before 1977. When remodeling a house, those materials should be repaired or sealed. If any of these materials need to be sampled, do so carefully by patching the area being tested with duct tape and sealing it. It is also a good idea to wet the sample with water and a few drops of detergent before testing.

If asbestos is found in a home, it should be professionally tested and removed by a trained professional. This is because the best way to prevent the spread of asbestos is to stop it from being contaminated in the first place.

Inhaling asbestos particles can lead to lung diseases such as mesothelioma and asbestosis. These illnesses don’t usually show up until years after exposure. If you have been exposed to asbestos, it’s important to talk with your doctor about whether or not you have a risk for disease. A health history, x-rays, and other tests can help determine whether you are at risk of developing illness due to your past exposure.

If building materials in your home are in good condition and won’t be disturbed (such as during remodeling), you probably don’t need to have them tested for asbestos. A trained and accredited asbestos professional should sample any material that may contain asbestos. If you take a sample yourself, it should be done by cutting a small piece of the material and placing it in a clean container (such as a 35mm film canister, small glass or plastic vial, or high-quality resealable plastic bag). It’s best to have the samples tested by a professional, since sampling may release fibers that would increase your risk of getting sick.

Once the asbestos-containing material is cut, it should be placed in a sealed container and disposed of according to state and local regulations. Do not dispose of it in a landfill.

When you breathe in asbestos particles, they get caught in the tiny passageways in your lungs called alveoli. Normally, the body’s natural defenses will remove these particles from the lungs. But when a person has been exposed to asbestos at high levels for long periods, the asbestos fibers can bypass these defenses and lodge deep in the lungs.

Asbestosis is a condition that can cause inflammation and scarring of the lungs. This can make it hard to breathe and can also lead to other health problems. If you’re diagnosed with asbestosis, it’s important to get treatment right away so you can prevent further complications from the disease. Many patients are treated successfully with medications or other therapies. Some patients also benefit from participating in a clinical trial. Clinical trials offer the newest and most effective treatments, and the sponsors often pay for all of your care.